2023年Acme+ Art極美美學藝術呈現了多檔創意豐富精彩的展覽,並與高質感有指標性的空間做異業結盟,持續拓展優秀藝術家的能見度與多元的視野。誠摯感謝Acme+ Art極美美學藝術的藝術家、參與過程的合作夥伴、以及一直以來支持我們的觀眾和藏家朋友們。新的一年,將乘著過去的經驗與對未來的展望,帶給各位更多精彩的展覽 !
Looking back at 2023, a year full of challenges and possibilities, Acme+ Art Gallery is pleased to have presented multiple well-received exhibitions. We would like to express our gratitude to all the artist,partners, staffs ,collectors and everyone who continued to support the gallery. Please stay tuned for more exciting exhibitions coming in 2024 .