Saturday, April 29, 2006

copertina di 財訊

La mia prima copertina su una rivista taiwanese!
La rivista è 財訊 Wealth Magazine di maggio.


La mucca sulla sinistra stava raccontando all'altra mucca la trama di un film.
Purtroppo le ha rivelato il finale e per questo la mucca sulla destra le mostra il suo disappunto.
Le altre mucche ignorano cio' che sta accadendo e continuano a pensare a qualcosa di rotondo.
The cow on the left was telling the other cow the plot of a movie.
Unfotunately she revealed her the ending.
For this reason the cow on the right is showing her disappointment.
The other cows are unaware of what is happening and they keep on thinking about something circular.

Friday, April 28, 2006

SOGNO (the dream)

A well-known director (his hobby is to be a superhero) has just finished to shoot his last movie.
- "The wine glass in your hand is my friend."
- "Oh, I thought It was only an acquaintance."
- "STOP!"
The full-length movie is about a heartrending story of a pillow that wanted to become
a contemporary writer.
So one day It begun to write two novels contemporaneously.
Unfortunately only one of these became a bestseller.
The poor novel killed the other one because it was full of envy.
The movie hasn't met the favour of the critics and public.
- " I think the choice to cast that famous actor the part of the pillow was not good."
- "Right! I can't identify myself with the protagonist."

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Crepuscolo Atavico

Oggi ho finito gli schizzi della nuova storia di quattro pagine che si intitola CREPUSCOLO ATAVICO. Ritorna un vecchio personaggio protagonista delle mie prime storie: l'orologio Michele.

TIPTOE vs. ...

1- TIPTOE vs. the monolith with some questionable superpowers.
2- TIPTOE vs. the indecorous monster.
3- TIPTOE vs. the appetite. (the yellow book: list of telephone numbers – pizzerias)

Queste tre cartoline sono state disegnate per la jazz band TIPTOE
I drew these three cards for TIPTOE jazz band

TIPTOE are (in alphabetical order):
carlo garofalo - drums
simone massaron - guitars
davide tedesco - acoustic bass

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

STIRATO di maggio

E' uscito il numero di maggio di Stirato con questa mia immagine all'interno.
Potete scaricare il pdf qui
New Stirato here

OPINIONE (Opinion)

1- For several days he is looking for his favorite fork
"Please, forgive me!"

2- Last time he saw it was in the day they argue
"Can I change channel ? This program is rubbish!"

"Shut up, little utensil!!
I can’t hear the opinion of that man wearing the qualified-person costume."

3- "If every clock in the world reduce their speed by ½ , the time for our business will double."

4- "But then… Shall we move very slowly?"
"I don’t think so."

Monday, April 24, 2006

NERO part 4/4 (fine)

1- Etrurian usually spends the nights in a smoky nightclub next to a toxic waste factory

2- You killed my financial advisor…. Why?
My aim is too bad, you were my target

3- You had not intention of killing him, so I justify you

4- Another night has gone

Sunday, April 23, 2006

NERO part 3/4 ... (continua)

1- Etrurian is a nasty costumer living in that area.

You are a nasty costumer!

2- He’s well-known because he strangled a mosquito just with one hand.

3- Last week Bracco met him next to a pedestrian crossing

Please, can you tell me what time is it?

Don’t offend me!! Watch your back, because I’ll take my revenge!!!

4- Now I am going to look for him and to ask him the explanation of his despicable action

Saturday, April 22, 2006

NERO part 2/4 ... (continua)

1- Last time when he said this kind of sentence something terrible happened

NOOO!!! I forgot to add salt!!!

2- Suddenly he hears some gun shoots from his right side


3- He is not worried, because he is left-handed

4- … but his financial advisor is not left-handed

"… Et…Et... Etrurian"

Friday, April 21, 2006

NERO part 1/4 ... (continua)

1-Night is falling… the lights lit up…

2-Every evening Bracco takes his financial advisor out for a walk.

3- Be careful… Today I feel a strange sensation.

Emulo continua

Dopo un periodo di pausa riprendo il progetto del fumetto di Emulo.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Ecco una mia illustrazione a computer per una rivista economica taiwanese.
L'articolo da illustrare mi è arrivato in cinese, per fortuna Beni me lo ha tradotto.

Friday, April 14, 2006

vecchi numeri di RdP (PUDDLE MAGAZINE)

Ho ritrovato nel mio archivio alcune copertine dei vecchi numeri de "La rivista della pozzanghera".
Italian magazine about puddles.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

MONSTER part 1

1 -I’ve found out your real identity

-How have you made it?

2 -I pretended to be asleep, but secretely I was watching you

-You must promise me to say it to nobody

3 -I keep your secret but you have to show me the costume

MONSTER part 2

2-Don’t move!! A monster is attacking the town, he is creating a panic …

3-You two… which one is the superhero?

-That’s him!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Nome in cinese

Questo è il timbro col mio nome cinese: Fang Mi-Jie.
Da ora lo utilizzerò per firmare le illustrazioni.