Friday, June 30, 2006
Saggio su Chris Ware di F.Guarnaccia

Qui il link.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Block notes laterale 08 - Sketch book
The God of Cookery

Devilrobots invade Taipei

Per chi fosse da queste parti può partecipare all'invasione al PageOne di Taipei.
La mostra mi incuriosisce e penso di andarla a vedere.
Maggiori informazioni: qui.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Hong Kong


Fumetto international alla Triennale di Milano.
Filologico (a 30 pages story). The original illustrations are part of the exhibition Fumetto international at the Triennale di Milano (Milan, Italy).
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006

Some illustrations from the story INDIZIO (EVIDENCE).
1- The victim of the crime was a man, Gino Orsini. His job was to criticize people's names. Beacause of this he got a lot of money and many enemies.
2- I started to dog the suspect's footsteps.
3- The results of my investigations were poor... I needed to relax a bit. So I decided to stop an alien invasion.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Mondomuto 05 - (Silent world)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
La serie

A story published in 1998. No translation, sorry.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

1- Since long long time ago in a village called Ardate Inferiore it’s not allowed to watch the clocks in public, …because of some religious reasons.
It is also indecorous to speak about time.
2- “Look at that man!!! Disgusting!!! You ought to be ashamed of your action!!!!
3- In the common areas and into every house there are some rooms where you can watch the time without shame.
“ Sorry, I must go to know what time is it...urgently”
“No problem”
(on the doors: digital – analogic)
4- A new kind of cloth hides the wrist-watches.
“My coverwatch has a beautiful zip”
5- People say that into many VIP's houses there are some unconventional parties.
“What time is it?”
“Look!! It’s 11.23 PM”
“Go on … go on…”
“It’s 11.23 PM”
6- 161. Hot Line
“It’s 10.30 PM”
7- During the holidays some people use to send their friends spicy postcards.
"Greetings from Florence”.
Una vecchia storia
Monday, June 19, 2006
Mondomuto 04 - (Silent world)
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006

Oggi inizia lo Sherwood festival di Padova. Durante questa manifestazione il 24 e 25 giugno si svolgera' la terza edizione di Sherwood Comix festival, curata da Emiliano Rabuiti e Claudio Calia .
Per l'occasione sarà presentato il volume Fortezza Europa: 21 autori della scena indipendente italiana hanno realizzato 18 storie contro il concetto, sempre più praticato, dell’esclusione dai diritti di cittadinanza.
Una delle storie è Crepuscolo Atavico che ho realizzato poco tempo fa a Taipei.
Il libro è edito da Coniglio Editore.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
GESTICOLATO (page 5) - the end

Page 5
1- “Look at that old man!!! Many years have passed but I recognize him!”
2- “Long time ago he made us laugh because of a ridiculous speech. People say that day he ran away from here because he was deeply ashamed. Nobody has seen him again.”
3- “Three generations associate his name with that event. ”
4- The end
5- “This short movie is really questionable, but it raises my spirits in this bad moment.”
“Shut up!!
6- Some minutes later someone set me free, but my lucky mascot refused to follow me. It was the last time I saw him.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
GESTICOLATO (pages 3-4)

Page 3
1- I tried to recover him because I promised his father to protect him.
“My sensitive arm is embedded”
2- “I remind you that I am claustrophobic. Take me out from here!!!”
The hobby of my arm is to be seized by panic
3- In the past my arm was entrapped into a blocked elevator for many hours.
4- Since that day I cannot wear any gloove.
“Ah… the darkness … I feel bad…”
5- “Take me out from here!!!”
Page 4
1- “I take the opportunity to show you my last short movie”
2- It is about an old man that went back to the village where he lived during his youth.
4- “When I was young accidentally I made an intelligent speech, it was the first time in my life.”
5- “Then I left my village because I was afraid to spoil those great words”
6- “It was long time ago... Now I am going back and I am sure that they still remember me and my intelligent speech.”
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
GESTICOLATO (pages 1-2)

Page 1
1- I remember that day very well.
I was in my friend company… He was my faithful waterproof lucky mascot.
2- Always I was satisfied with his behaviour, but I knew that he disliked me.
“ I help you because I promised it to my father just before he died.”
3- In the regional lucky mascot championship he distinguished himself by his talent.
Competition: flying dangers – over 15 kilograms category.
Page 2
1-Well… I was saying… That day I went to my favourite town.
I had read in a book that my favourite town had 700,000 inhabitants and that most of them were not part of my family.
“Be careful! The manhole…”
4- “No!”
Monday, June 12, 2006
Mondomuto 03 - (Silent world)
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
CALCIO (soccer)
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

1- Yesterday he was having a really good time on counting the tiles of his kitchen…
“71.45… 72.45…”
2- … when unexpectedly TV spoiled his happy afternoon.
“For obvious religious reasons today we don’t broadcast the usual TV program about the reading of train timetable.”
3- “Too many numbers could cause mental confusion in young minds bringing young people to do many lustful actions.”
4- “…84.25… 85.27…”
"Furthermore the excessive use of the trains could cause addiction...”
5- “…86.27… 87.27…”
“ … therefore in few seconds we broadcast a documentary about the tits in the afternoon's TV shows”
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Varie Umanita' - Oggi l'inaugurazione

La mostra comprende numerose tavole originali di Ribichini, Reviati e Misesti.
Intervengono Gianluca Costantini, curatore della rassegna video, Michele Ginevra del Centro Fumetto A.Pazienza di Cremona e Andrea Plazzi, critico.
Ore 18.00, Sala S.Rita, Roma
via Montanara 8 (ad. P.zza Campitelli)
Monday, June 05, 2006
Block notes laterale 05 - Sketch book
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Fotografie laterali

(3 pages from my story "SVILUPPO VERTICALE").
1- He was born in a neighbourhood where people name their children as well-known carnivorous plants.
“We could name him Bracco, as the famous hero of your uncle’s garden.”
“Sure…I think it’s a good name, Caleformio!”
“There’s not in this book!”
(Universal dictionary of the vulgarities and their consequences)
1- How many games played together…
2- But a sad day, while they were swimming in the lake, the friend disappeared forever.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Il paese dei raccontatori - festival di teatro

Da giovedi' 22 giugno a sabato 24 giugno ci saranno gli spettacoli per i bambini.
Da giovedi' 29 giugno a sabato 1 luglio ci saranno gli spettacoli per gli adulti.
Tutti gli spettacoli sono gratuiti.
Potete scaricare il programma sul sito di Mariano Comense: qui.
The poster of "IL PAESE DEI RACCONTATORI" - Theatre festival in Mariano Comense (Italy).
Altra illustrazione per 財訊 di giugno

Illustration for 財訊 Wealth Magazine of June.